Day 6 and I'm loving my way of life

I love each and every day more and more that I chose this lifestyle the more people doubt me and the lifestyle the more certain I am that it is for me.  In my post yesterday I received a comment from a woman by the name of Johannah and she, as you can see, shared her story.  I am so overwhelmed by the response I am getting as a whole from my blog and the posting on LCF, I truly cannot imagine being successful without any of my new found support from both entities.

Johannah in her comment stated something she does that was truly powerful to me.  She asked herself
 "I just ask myself if I want to wake up fatter tomorrow or not"
I love it!!!  Here I have been using anyone and everyone that doubts me as a way to be focused but in addition to that it should be about me and what I choose and want for myself. And very simply do I or do I not want to wake up fatter tomorrow?  Well I'm here to tell you I DON'T!!!  I'm so done with being fatter the next day.  I've said it once I've said it twice I'M DONE!!!

So yesterday I got out of the house went to LA Fitness which is way to much for me right now so I'm back to doing this myself at home so now the goal is to find some videos that I can download that I will like (has to have good music ;o)  Yesterday from a food perspective went well.  I didn't get in as much water as I would have liked as I was out and about but my food was as follows:

B: Egg, cheese, bacon in a low carb tortilla
Late Lunch:  Salad with chicken breast on top
Late Dinner:  Chinese Chicken lettuce wraps (which I made myself and were really good)

My goal for today:

1-Find a video that I like to begin workout tomorrow
2-Drink my water
3-Get prepared for the week from a cooking perspective (We are going to make Scottish Eggs and breakfast muffins so all we have to do is freeze them and take them out each day and stick in the microwave.

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  1. Hi again,
    Exercise has never been my strong point. I got a paper route a few years ago so I had to ride my bike about three miles every single day. Cancer made me quit. I then started using my treadmill that I just hated. Boring! Just watching the numbers - hoping to get them big enough so I could quit! Music made it much more tolerable. Then I got a DVD of the Eagles concert in Australia that I could watch and listen to at the same time. Watching them play their guitars got my attention away from watching the numbers. To this day I still only walk on my treadmill(I do it everyday), so I match my speed to the beat of the music and it's enjoyable. I actually almost like my treadmill now! It's not a great workout by other peoples' standards, but coupled with lifting a few weights and a few stretching exercises, I'm feeling pretty well and strong. I do admit to sitting on my tush way too much staring at the internet though.

    I'm happy to see your dedication and enthusiasm. You food looks good! Everyone always says to forgive yourself etc. when you screw up. I wonder if that is always productive? At the Diet Center we had to get weighed everyday. Interestingly, that diet (1000 cal./day of only certain foods) had me losing 1/4 lb. per day nearly every single day like clockwork. If I went there and didn't lose the counselor would chew me out and accuse me of cheating! It was like getting in trouble. And she was usually right about the cheating. Anyway her being "not forgiving" kept me on plan - I didn't want to get in trouble. My next counselor was the forgiving type and I just never did as well.

    The unforgiving counselor would never have worked on my low carb diet as it has never been a regular lose weight everyday experience. It's lose several lbs. quickly with ups and downs, losing about 10 lbs. overall each time, then plateauing for a long time. After several months, I could not stand not losing anymore so I would tweak things until it started working again (I'm still tweaking - giving up cheese this time - Oh how I love cheese!). I read about other people who lose really fast but I never was the 20 gram type. (I kinda did it my own way based on Atkins.) How has your experience with low carb gone in the past? Was it steady and regular or choppy like mine?

  2. My weight loss was definitely steady. It was my commitment that was choppy. lol!! They say when you plateau that you should take in less carbs. Typically I would stay losing as long as I was in ketosis. So that is something I have always monitored. However this time I don't have the ketostix so I can't measure my ketone level right now but I hope to get them.

    I love coming to my blog and seeing that you have commented. Thanks so much. You should stop by the Lowcarbfriends site. I have a bunch of ladies there that are amazing. They give me so much support it's crazy!!! Have a super day!!!

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