Day 10 hmmm I just might be able to do it this time!

Well this morning is Day 10.  Yesterday I was super busy running errands and I am still, unfortunately, not in a position where I can get vitamins.  I just have to keep it posted on my goals.  Being super busy yesterday did force me to be moving and out of the house and I had to put on "real clothes".  lol!! My husband asked me yesterday if he needed to come with me (calling himself being supportive which I totally appreciate), the reason he offered is because I have told him many times before how when I go out into the "outside" world, how hard it is out there for me.  Tacos here, hamburgers here, burritos here, I used to beg him to go with me just to insure that I won't cheat.  So this time he asks me and I say
"nope I don't need you to come with me because I choose not to be fatter tomorrow."
He still came but I totally meant what I said.  I don't think there has ever been a time when I have been more focused.  It is still hard for me to go out into the world but it definitely it is not hard.  Because quite simply I don't want to be fatter tomorrow, it's a decision that I have made.  I don't want this fat any longer, I don't want this depression any longer, I don't want this incapability to move any longer, I don't want this woman who is not feeling good about herself any longer.  I am fighting to bring back the person I know I am and one thing about me that everyone says is that when I make up my mind to do something that's it.  Well I think this time I have definitely made up my mind to get rid of this weight.  I think my husband sees that I am serious about it this time because now he is saying that he will jump on the band wagon with me next month.  Which is  a good thing.

It is a fact that the way I am eating right now will have to be the way I eat for the rest of my life.  Carbohydrates and sugar are just simply not my friend.

Breakfast-Deviled Eggs
Lunch-Salad with Bacon
Dinner-Salad with Shrimp
and tons of water

My goals
1-Get lots of exercise in
2-Water Water Water

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