Yesterday was the first time I had a desire for a moment of weakness. But I beat it. I wanted to eat an orange so badly. But I just kept my eye on the ball and went and grabbed me cheese stick. Everyone and their mother is doubting me and this diet. My husband is being supportive but he just doesn't want to do Atkins any longer. I truly feel once he sees that I am serious that he will join me.
Today I am actually going to get out of the house, I have to take the kid to the eye doctor and I decided to get a tour of LA Fitness. I can't afford it right now but who knows maybe they will have some kind of special going on right now. Something has to change I know I need to get moving even if it is only a little bit at a time.
I keep daydreaming and thinking of the person I was and I truly want to see that person back. I just have to stay on target.
"Everyone and their mother is doubting me and this diet" is the way of the world. When I was young, my mother put me on Atkins in the 11th grade. She never explained the science to me (I don't think she read the book herself). It worked for about 40 lbs. Then I got leg cramps really bad, and I decided I couldn't do it any longer, so I cheated and ate off plan. She caught me and that was it. No more diet, no more support, no more trust. Lots of weight gain. Never again did she ever think I would stay on plan. I stayed mostly fat until I turned 30. 30 was an awful age to be single for me without even any prospects and the biological clock thing was to blame I'm sure. I went to the Diet Center and starved off 100 lbs in a year. Ironically, my mother hated the fact that I wouldn't eat any of her food as it wasn't on the diet. Losing weight was euphoric for me. I was not about to let anyone mess me up! Then I met "the Guy" and he managed to get me to eat off plan, so on came all those lbs. right back. I learned about low calorie diets and weight regain the hard way I would say. I married "the Guy" and we ate badly for the next 10 years or so, so he ended up just as fat as I. After his heart attack we did Atkins and we lost like 40 lbs. But he really likes to eat carbs, so he started cheating. I kept eating low carb for the most part because it was working and I like the food. He gained another 50 lbs and I lost 130 altogether. If your husband wants to eat differently - let him. My guy now has diabetes and is having lots of other troubles because of his weight and his diet. I have been the world's biggest nag and it hasn't worked for me! Just do the diet for yourself. Low carb foods can be very good. Cooking is fun. My diet has morphed into low carb Paleo, though I don't like the "Paleo" term so much anymore as the "Paleo" crowd is starting to really irritate me over their rejection of insulin being involved with obesity. They just want to justify eatin' them carbz. I do subscribe to lots of whole foods meat, veggies, eggs and not eating out of a bottle/bag/box and no grains, sugar or industrial seed oils. I came to the conclusion that since I only get so many calories everyday, every one of them has to be nutritious. Every time I want to cheat (which is extremely rare now days), I just ask myself if I want to wake up fatter tomorrow or not, as cheats would make me gain, but not cheating makes me the same or thinner. (Besides glucose feeds cancer). It's time to go make some green tea! Good job sticking it out - the beginning was the hardest for me. I know you can do it!
ReplyDeleteBless your heart!! Thank you so much for taking the time and telling me your story I love it. I do also love the theory of paleo minus the carbs of course. I belong to a few paleo threads because some of the recipes support it. I love your question and I'm going to use it in todays blog!!! Thank you again and please please continue to stop by and comment. You are truly encouraging me.