Food Journey
I actually have to say I am truly proud of myself. I am now 29 days and still counting on this new completely committed lifestyle change. I have said it once I have said it twice. I WANT TO LIVE!!! I feel as if I continue to tell myself that, I will be successful at this. Now please do not misunderstand me. I have not gone this long without trouble. Trouble is always in my way!! But with God's help I am able duck and dodge it. My husband is also an incredible supporter. When I am ready to put something in my mouth that I know I have no business putting in my mouth. I will call him (I am typically not with him when this occurs) and he is patient, supportive, loving, and stern. And always convinces me not to do it. I have daydreams of myself fitting into a 2 piece bathing suit (I have a super long way to get to that) but I still envision myself wearing one.
Today is a grocery shopping day and my family and I are going into the city to shop as their is more variety and items are cheaper. I am mapping out and strategically planning my menu for the next month. I have decided I'm going to try and make this whole thing more fun for me. has a forum and in that forum there is a thread called Induction Food Porn #1 and 2 and it is awesome!!! Some great pics of some Induction appropriate recipes. I am going to try and make this my new hobby. I figured if I can start taking pics and uploading it as well that will only assist me in staying true to the life style. Not to mention I get to have an abundance of yumminess. lol!!!
Food Goal
Drink 1 container (100 oz cup) of water a day
Start having fun by taking pics of my food and sharing them
Environment Journey
So far so good!! We as a family have been doing a pretty good job of keeping the household somewhat together. My husband completely and totally cleaned the kitchen and now we are doing everything we can to maintain it. Our bedroom could use a little more effort but we are still doing better than we were. I must say having a clean house definitely helps you with work than not. I work so much easier in a house that is clean and organized.
Envirotnment Goal
Get Clothes washed (all of them by Monday)
Get paper out of all briefcases organized and filed away
Clear out and organize desk better
Search for a bookcase
Me Journey
Well now it is time to start working on me on a daily basis. I work for a distributor out of California and one of the products we distribute is video conferencing. We just brought on a new product called Vidyo and we are having to demo this product which requires me to be on camera. Oh Lord!!! I hate being on camera due to it is just to much reality. I have come to the realization that this has contributed to my problem all along. I have had to much denial. I feel lighter inside, I have a spirit, personality, and "false confidence" of someone who wears a size 2. But the outside obviously showed different. Now I am faced with having to see myself on camera and trust me it is a good thing. The more I see myself on camera the more I want to strive to succeed. Not to mention I have had a fun life and I realized that all of the events in the past their is no memory of me even participating because I didn't want to see myself on camera. Even when folks forced me to take the pics I would look away when they tried to show me them. NO MORE!!! Reality is a good thing. The more reality I get the more focused on becoming better I will be.
Me Goal
Get dressed every morning as if I am going to an office (no more working in pj's)
Purchase more make-up
29 Days and still counting
6:55 AM
Thats it girl, Im aiming for the 2 piece too, right now the strings wont be visible at this weight nut hey. Or maybe I'll stick with the tankini either way! LOL1 My Hubby would have a fit no matter what my size if I put on a bikini. He so crazy! lol. Keep up the good work, ur doing absolutely maahhhvelous!