Simple Tips for Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes
9:00 AM
As I begin another journey of change the one thing that I have to say that is always consistent is my ability to research. When I have an interest or when I become involved with something, I am one of those that aggressively begins to research to find information, a community, videos, and anything and everything I can to fill myself with knowledge of that particular aspect.
So here we go another journey of change, but this time a broader perspective. Before it was always about a diet such as Atkins, or doing what Joe Cross did and starting to Juice. This time it is all about me becoming healthier and having a more enriched and healthier lifestyle. I came across this video in my search to acquire some basic tips has to how I can change my way of living. How my life as a whole can be more healthier.
These ladies do a great job of providing some basic tips on what one can do to change their lifestyle. I feel a series coming on-I haven't had one of those in awhile. I will definitely be taking some of their tips and incorporating them into my journey which means they will be placed in my blog.
Thanks Edible Goddess for a great video for a newbie such as myself