Day 28 and had some struggles

This weekend was pretty difficult for me.  On Friday I ate quite a bit of mexican food.  I had a burrito and that shell alone is 20 grams.  But that was all I had for the rest of the day.  But I felt incredibly guilty for it.  It had no rice no beans just meat and pico de gallo.  The funny part is that it wasn't even that good to me.  Saturday I did pretty good I had mostly protein a few carbs.  I had Chorizo and egg with low carb tortillas and for dinner I had pork roast. 
Now Super Bowl Sunday was a large struggle for me and my daughter.  We went to a super bowl party and thank goodness there was food there we could eat.  But the food we couldn't eat taunted us big time.  The only way I think we made it through is that I promised her when we left we would go to the store and by us low carb ice cream.  And that is what we did.

Nevertheless it was a struggle for us both but together we made it through.  We probably overdosed on the low carb sugar free junk but better sugar free than loads of sugar.  My plan is to get on as strict as I can this week and go back to my blogging everyday.  I have literally missed a couple of days and I think that blogging helps me stay focused.  I don't really know why I didn't blog on Saturday or Sunday for that matter.  Friday I got up and running for the most part.  I was super busy but I'm realizing that it is so important for me to blog everyday. 

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