the declaration of deserving…just because you’re here
September 6, 2012Article posted by the Kris Carr website
keep is a vicious cycle, you know. Where as, believing in your implicit worth liberates you to create more value for the world you serve.
Of course, people with entitlement issues are goddamn irritating. They want more than they’re willing to give upfront. They operate in a fog of hunger and conflicting intentions. Entitled types are frantic below the surface because they don’t trust that they can feed themselves. What they need is a long hug and then to be sent off for some solo time, without credit cards.
Deserving and worthiness…these are the notions that get to the pulse of our consciousness and esteem.
If you don’t believe you have the right to be here, there will never be enough space for your true self to show up. If you think you need to earn your actual desires, you’re putting miles, years, between you and fulfillment. So many of us don’t even give ourselves permission to want what we want. This is the great tragedy of a malnourished spirit.
a declaration of deserving:
You are worthy of your desires. Really wanting what you want gives you the power to get it. You were born free. (The more you try to earn your freedom, the more trapped you become.) You are worthy of love and respect. Lovable.
You deserve
: eye contact
: smiles in the morning
: food made with pure intention
: clean drinking water, fresh air
: Hello, Please, Thank you.
: time to think about it
: a chance to show them what you’re made of
: a second chance
: an education
: health care, including dental
: multiple orgasms
: weekends and the summer off
: 8 hours of sleep
: play before work
: to change your mind
: to say no
: to say yes
: to have your deepest needs met
: to be seen
: to be loved for what is seen.
You deserve all this just because you showed up.
Yep, you’re that monumental.