Well for the first time last night I actually was craving for something sweet. Now typically when that happens I just go to the store and purchase sugar free candy or low carb ice cream bars. I am so focused on getting into ketosis that for me to do that is just simply not an option. I know that my body is converting because I can feel it. Now if I can only just make it day 14. I did pretty good yesterday. I had 3 slices of bacon with 1 fried egg with cheese over it for breakfast and then lunch I had sauteed pollock with chopped garlic with a tomato, garlic, bacon over it topped with italian cheese. It was absolutely phenomenal. My daughter enjoyed it as well. For dinner my daughter oven cooked pork chops and I could only eat one. The appetite is definitely diminishing. With my husband being gone I have literally turned into this hermit. I stay in my house and I don't leave which is exactly what I wanted so that I wouldn't be tempted with the foods that I am not supposed to be eating. I feel as if I have no choice but to do this because I am simply just not strong enough to do it any other way.
I am however super disappointed with myself in terms of my process of getting done what I need to get done for my environment. Only thing I did yesterday was get started with my laundry. I wanted to begin my bedroom but I looked at it yesterday and got overwhelmed and just procastinated until now I am at another day. I had 2 people ask me yesterday when you looked at it how come you just didn't get it done. I wish I knew. I hate being this way. It truly truly depresses me. But I came to the conclusion last night that again it doesn't do me any good to be sad or depressed that I just need to get off my ass and get it done. So here is how I'm going to do this. I'm going to set mini goals within the big goal of getting this room cleaned. Maybe that will prevent me from getting overwhelmed.
It looks as if my husband will be home next week so I really have to kick it up a notch because I want things done before he returns.
Food Goal
Drink 32 ounces of water (supposed to be 64 but if I can get halfway through then maybe by Friday I can get to 64) I'm not allowed to drink anything else until the 32 is done
Evironment goal
Get sheets and blankets washed and bed made.
Day 6 and here we go
6:26 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself over everything girl! I started Atkins a year ago and lost 30 pounds and then on Fathers Day I quit smoking to honour the promise I made to my father last October when he was in the hospital dying, he died Oct 22. Anyways I quit smoking and the weight creeped on, not to mention I had my nieces and nephews here for a week to kick off their summer vaction and there was a definite carb creep that entire week which then sent me on a path to just plain bad eating. So on the 1st of August after I tried to squeeze into my favourite shorts to go fishing with my husband in the boat and I couldn't get them on without a severe muffin top I started induction. I didn't get down on myself about the weight because I figured that kicking a pack a day smoke habit cold turkey with not even one cheat was a pretty big deal and if I let my carb intake slide for a few weeks that was okay as long as I get it back under control. So here I am on day 11 and I am proud to say I am down 3 pounds. It isn't easy though you're right about that, I like you when I would get a craving would reach for a low carb version of something sweet....this time around I am not going to purchase as many of these low carb items to have around the house to eat....if it isn't here I won't eat it.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am trying to say is, be proud of yourself for recognizing you need a change and for taking the steps needed to start the process, you have to give yourself a little praise on this journey cause lord knows it will be hard and even harder if you are constantly down on yourself...take credit for not reaching for the low carb ice cream, take credit for every small thing you do to make you better and your surroundings more serene!
Good Morning, I must say first that Im proud of you. I agreed with Michelle, "don't be so hard on yourselve. Life period is a struggle. Your trying.Don't give up. I tried yesterday to get in touch with you.Give me a call when you can.
ReplyDeleteIso glad you shared this site with me. Have a blessed day